Sistem Power Certificazioni UL-Sistem Power




Certifications: the philosophy of quality

The quality of a product is not only intrinsic but also, and above all, the satisfaction of the needs and legitimate expectations of the customer. Materials, designs, manufacturing processes contribute to achieve a given level of product quality.
And it is in this broad sense that today we speak of "quality system" and "quality assurance".
The goal is to fully satisfy customer needs by providing the expected quality at all stages: pre, sale, use, aftermarket.
Starting from the birth of the idea, the product must be the result of careful analysis that starts from the real needs and expectations of the end user and the intermediaries involved (designers, installers, maintenance).
Within a manufacturing company all the officers, being the party in charge, must act to develop the final product, harmoniously and in synergy with all groups involved: a comprehensive technical documentation, after-sales support, knowledgeable and helpful technical assistance, all provided quickly and efficiently.

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